The marvellous world of wine

The truth is that this marvellous world of wine surprises you every day, whether because of the wines, or the people, or those landscapes which stay etched in the memory.

This time we’ve caught up with an exceptional character, namely Álvaro Palacios, and on this occasion we didn’t go to visit his notably famous estate, La Ermita, in the Priorat, but we went to his place of origin, to La Rioja, where he was born and grew up amidst the vineyards and the family’s winery. If you have the chance one day to enjoy his company for a few hours, as SELECTUS WINES had the opportunity to do, I can assure you that you will come away convinced that those who live for and enjoy the land and look after it with care and affection ensure that it is generous to them and bears great fruit, in this case great wines.

I’m letting you know in advance that we will be going over to the Priorat, to see Álvaro Palacios, in the next issue. We have also spoken to Roger Viusà and Raül Bobet, a sommelier who came world runner-up and a great oenologist, whose directness and friendly natures show through.

Enjoy the other articles and relax... Life passes by so quickly... Here’s to it.

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